Sunday, June 4, 2017

Summer Book Club: First Post is Up!

Students AND Parents,

Please click HERE to view our 3rd grade virtual summer book club website.  We are currently reading The Great Shelby Holmes, and I just posted our first discussion post.  Please add your thoughts to the comments!  Remember internet safety rules-- only use your first name and never post private information about yourself.  Check back weekly to continue the discussion!

**Update: Sorry if you tried to comment and couldn't...I just fixed it and you should be able to now!**

Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday, May 26

Things to Note...
Can you believe that our final full week of third grade is in the books and this is our last official weekly update?!  Next week, there is no school on Monday due to Memorial Day, and Thursday is the last day of school for students.  Grades are already submitted, so we will spend our time doing some enrichment learning activities.  This is not just random mess-around time...we are still learning, even if we are no longer taking official grades.  Please encourage your child to come to school ready to learn, follow PAWS expectations, and participate.

Conference forms went home yesterday.  There were two copies sent home.  Please sign and return ONE of them.  The other is yours to keep!

Field Day was a blast!  THANK YOU to everyone who helped out!

Our end of the year class party will be on Thursday from 1:30-2:30.  Mrs. Curp sent an email last week with a link to a sign-up for donations.  If you did not receive that email, but want to help out, please let me know.  All parents are invited to come party with us and celebrate our successful year.

Here is a message from our librarian, Mrs. Kupersztoch:
Hi Elsa England Parents! 

I'm so excited to share this Summer Reading Presentation with you; I taught this information to all students K through 4th grade this week (our 5th graders had a special visit from their new librarian at PRMS or CeVMS). It's FULL of information to help you make a plan for your family to do LOTS of summer reading!

You'll want to pay special attention to the slides covering:
  * RRISD Summer Pop-Up Library (See Schedule & Sign Up for Text Notifications)
  * FREE BOOKS - Giveaways posted each week on our England Library Website!

Also included is information about Round RockAustin, and Cedar Park Public Libraries' Summer Reading Programs and FREE events, as well as reading incentive programs available through local bookstores.

During their lesson this week, students each received a copy of the Beach Blanket Bingo on colored paper and a password page for you to use this summer! Should you lose the bingo sheet, feel free to download a new one from the RRISD website linked above.

I hope everyone has a happy, relaxing, and safe summer, and I look forward to seeing you back in August!

Take care,
Emily Kupersztoch, Librarian

Mark Your Calendars...
5/31- Talent Show encore (5th grade performers only) at 8am
6/1- Last day of school; End of the Year Party (1:30pm); Report cards go home

Tip of the Week: Summer Reading
Mrs. Kupersztoch spoke with our class this week about summer reading opportunities.  There are SO many cool programs from many different sources.  If you do nothing else this summer, encouraging your child to participate in a summer reading program is something easy, fun, and beneficial that I highly recommend!  In addition to library reading programs, the third grade teachers are having a virtual summer book club!  We will use this website to post discussion questions on a couple of next year's Bluebonnet Books, and encourage ALL students (and parents!!) to participate by reading the book and posting comments.  I hope to "chat" with all of your about these awesome books this summer! :)

Summer Book Club!

Keep up with your teachers and classmates over the summer by joining in our virtual summer book club!  Visit THIS website on a weekly basis, read the book we're reading, and add your comments to our discussion posts!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday, May 19

Things to Note...
Thank you for coming to Spotlight Night last night!  It was good to see the students showing off and being so proud of the work they do in school.  If you weren't able to make it, your child is bringing home some things that were shared for you to see.  Feel free to keep them!

All England library books were due today!  If you have any at home still, please send them to school on Monday.

Conference forms will go home next week in Thursday folders.  You will need to sign and return one copy of the form to school.  Please look for these next week, and as always, please contact me if you have any other questions.

Field Day is on Friday!  Your child may bring a game (no electronics!) to school to share for the morning before our field day time.  Please also send them with a change of clothes because they will get wet!  It will be very uncomfortable for them to sit in soaking clothes for the rest of the day, so they will want to bring everything new to change into after field day (our time is 10-12).  Here are the links to volunteer, and for more information from the coaches:
Volunteers must also submit and pass a RRISD volunteer background check for the current school year.

Please visit the England P.E. website for more Field Day details!

Ah, fidget spinners.  I really don't want to ban them because I want the STUDENTS to learn to take responsibility for doing the right thing.  Like I said last week, if they can keep it out of sight and use it as a true "fidget" tool, that's fine.  If it's something that draws attention away from lessons, class discussions, and assignments, it is not okay.  It is really starting to be more of the latter.  I took four of them away from students today for the day because they were being misused.  Please have a conversation with your child, should they choose tho bring one to class, about how and when it should be used.  If you decide that your child understands, then they may bring it to class.  If you're not sure or don't think your child gets it, please keep them at home for after school fun.  Thank you!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Geometrocity project; Addition and Subtraction review
Language Arts: Persuasive
Social Studies: Communities over time ("School Rocks" PBL)
Science: Space

Mark Your Calendars...
5/26- Field Day (10-12 for third grade)
6/1- Last day of school!

Tip of the Week: Summer Lessons
I am often asked, "What can I do for my child to help them not to slide over the summer?"  I found this brief article from Scholastic about avoiding this summer slide.  I liked it because the suggestions are very real and organic.  It does not include packets and drilling.  Reading at bedtime, or reading a cookbook together, for example, are easy and effective ways to keep your child thinking.  The same goes for math skills.  Have your child figure out what time you'll arrive at the beach, or how many packages of burger buns you need for your 4th of July cookout.  These things will keep them sharp, and give them a much-needed break from the rigor of schoolwork.  

I would also highly suggest giving them a chore or responsibility at home to be in charge of every day, all summer long.  For example, they are always the one to get the family beverages at dinner time, or set the table with silverware.  Or, maybe they will go around and refill soap containers, or wash their plate every meal.  These things are also very real, organic things that will keep up their skills with responsibility and organization that are oh-so-important for school...and LIFE! :)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, May 12

Things to Note...
Your child is bringing home their tie dyed t-shirt in a plastic baggie today.  They had a great time experiencing a new art project!  Here is what you need to do to finish up the process:
  1. Let the shirt sit in the bag overnight.
  2. In the morning, rinse it out in the sink (be careful to not get the dye on your clothes!) in cold water.
  3. Wash alone in the washing machine on cold or warm cold.  Let it air dry or dry in the dryer.
  4. Students can wear them any time, but we will all wear them on field day, May 26!
*If your child got dye on their skin, it will fade over the next couple of days.  You can also try rubbing alcohol, baking soda, or a salt/sugar scrub to try and get it out faster. 

Thursday, May 18 is our school's Spotlight Night from 5:30pm-7:30pm. The book fair will be open at 5:30 and classrooms will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm. This evening serves as a student-led conference and is a chance for them to show off all of their hard work and growth this year! Conference forms will come home the week after spotlight night.  If you have any specific concerns, please contact me individually.

A yellow form went home in Thursday folders this week.  Please fill that out and return it to school ASAP.  It will tell us if your child plans to return to England next year or not.

Fidget spinners have started to show up quite a bit in our classroom.  This is what I told the students about them: Their intended purpose is to occupy your hands so that your brain can focus better (kind of like gum on the STAAR test).  Toys are not allowed in class, and as soon as it becomes a distraction/toy-- i.e., students are looking at it instead of what they're supposed to be concentrating on, or I can see and hear it (it should be discrete and out of sight)-- I will take it until the end of the day.  Here is an article discussing the purpose of the spinners and the evidence (or lack thereof...) on how they benefit learning.  Please reinforce these ideas with your child if they are choosing to bring one to school.

A note from our P.E. Coaches:
Kids and Parents:  Field Day is on it's way!  Our theme this year is "The World of Dr. Seuss!"

Field Day will take place on Friday, May 26.
Participation Times:
  • Kinder and 1st Grade : 8:00-10:00 a.m.
  • Second and Third Grades: 10:00-12:00 p.m.
  • Fourth and Fifth Grades: 12:30-2:30 p.m.  
Volunteers, we need you!!!  Click on the following link to volunteer!

Volunteers must also submit and pass a RRISD volunteer background check for the current school year.

Please visit the England P.E. website for more Field Day details!

We're looking forward to a fun day!
The Elsa England Physical Education teachers

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Geometrocity project
Language Arts: Persuasive
Social Studies: Communities over time ("School Rocks" PBL)
Science: Space

Mark Your Calendars...
5/15-5/19- Book Fair
5/18- Spotlight Night (5:30; classrooms open 6:30-7:30)
5/26- Field Day (10-12 for third grade)
6/1- Last day of school!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, May 5

Things to Note...
THANK YOU all so very much for the Teacher Appreciation Week notes, gifts, treats, and kind words!  I am so very thankful to work in a building with a PTA that spoils its teachers, and with parents like you who make me feel so special and loved!

On Friday, May 12, we will be making tie dye t-shirts as a class!  We will wear these shirts for field day so that our class stands out and are easy to identify as we travel around the field.  It will also be a fun, team-building project!  So, please send in a white t-shirt for your child (it can be any style of shirt they want), preferably prewashed, by May 11.  It can even be a reused t-shirt that they already have, even if there are some words on it.  It just needs to be mostly white so that the tie dye color stands out.  These can be found for low prices in packs at Target and Walmart (maybe share with a couple of friends from class), or individually at Hobby Lobby or Michaels.

Thursday, May 18 is our school's Spotlight Night from 5:30pm-7:30pm. The book fair will be open at 5:30 and classrooms will be open from 6:30pm-7:30pm. This evening serves as a student-led conference and is a chance for them to show off all of their hard work and growth this year! Conference forms will come home the week after spotlight night.  If you have any specific concerns, please contact me individually.

A yellow form went home in Thursday folders this week.  Please fill that out and return it to school ASAP.  It will tell us if your child plans to return to England next year or not.

STAAR testing starts on Monday!  The cafeteria provides free breakfast on testing days, so it's a great opportunity to make sure that your child gets a good breakfast in them.  We will take STAAR math on Monday and reading on Tuesday.  Please make sure that your child is at school, on time, ready to go with two number 2, non-mechanical pencilsa couple of healthy, non-messy snacks, gum if they feel that it will help them focus (optional, of course!), and a water bottle, as I will not be able to let them go to the water fountain during testing. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: STAAR test on Tuesday
Language Arts: STAAR test on Monday
Social Studies: Communities over time ("School Rocks" PBL)
Science: Life Cycles

Mark Your Calendars...
5/8- STAAR Math test
5/9- STAAR Reading test
5/15-5/19- Book Fair
5/18- Spotlight Night
5/26- Field Day
6/1- Last day of school!

STAAR prep Tip of the Week: Pump Them Up!
This is it!  The STAAR starts on Monday, and we've made it through many weeks of preparation (a whole school year, actually).  Students have worked hard and learned a lot.  The true fact of the matter is that, at this point if they don't know it, extra cramming won't make it stick.  They ALL have the skills, strategies, and knowledge to pass the math and reading tests.  What they need from us now, their parents and teacher, are CONFIDENCE BOOSTS every chance we get!

So, this weekend, please celebrate their hard work, do NOT make them do worksheet after worksheet as final preparation.  Do something fun as a family to de-stress and relieve NOT focus only on the upcoming test all weekend!  If it comes up, PUMP THEM UP!  Tell them how smart and ready they are (because they are!).  Focus on their strengths and the fact that they can do it!  They should walk into the test on Monday and Tuesday morning with an "I GOT THIS!" attitude...even if there are a few nerves for this new experience.  :)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- be sure to maintain perspective on the STAAR, as well.  This is an important test, which is why we prepare and practice so much.  However, a good STAAR score does not equal a smart child.  It does not define your child, or have anything to do with their identity.  If they do well, celebrate it.  If they don't, celebrate their hard work and tell them that there's always next year.  It's a great learning experience, but in the end it is only one test, one day.  Thank you so much for all of your support of your child as we approach the STAAR!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Optional Homework Challenge: STAAR Prep BINGO!

Here is the link to our STAAR Prep BINGO game board.  This is an optional homework challenge.  Feel free to complete it to help you do some last-minute STAAR skill practice!  You must complete at least four in a row to win, but you can also go for a blackout as an added challenge!

In order to earn the prize, this must be completed, signed and dated by the student, and turned in this Friday, May 5.  No exceptions (other than emergencies, of course) will be accepted!

Have fun!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28

Things to Note...
On Friday, May 12, we will be making tie dye t-shirts as a class!  We will wear these shirts for field day so that our class stands out and are easy to identify as we travel around the field.  It will also be a fun, team-building project!  So, please send in a white t-shirt for your child (it can be any style of shirt they want), preferably prewashed, by May 11.  It can even be a reused t-shirt that they already have, even if there are some words on it.  It just needs to be mostly white so that the tie dye color stands out.  These can be found for very low prices in packs at Target and Walmart, or individually at Hobby Lobby or Michaels.

There will be homework next week that is optional.  Since it is the week before STAAR testing, a STAAR Prep BINGO sheet will go home on Monday.  If students want to participate, they can complete tasks on the card to create a four in a row BINGO.  If they turn it in on Friday with a student signature promising that they were truthful in their completion of the work, they will earn a small prize!  If they choose not to participate, they can spend the week reading for fun, and taking a brain break before STAAR testing the following week. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: STAAR review
Language Arts: STAAR review
Social Studies: Communities over time ("School Rocks" PBL)
Science: Life Cycles

Mark Your Calendars...
5/5- Spirit Assembly (7:40 am)
5/8- STAAR Math test
5/9- STAAR Reading test
5/15-5/19- Book Fair
5/26- Field Day
6/1- Last day of school!

STAAR prep Tip of the Week: Healthy Choices
Food fuels the brain and the body, so it's important that students make healthy choices at all times, but especially leading up to and on testing days!  It's important that students have a substantial, healthy breakfast on testing days.  Avoid sugary foods, like Pop Tarts, donuts, and sugary cereals that will give them a burst of energy, but then cause them to crash in the middle of the testing time.  Fruits, eggs, breakfast tacos, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, yogurt, etc. are all good options.  Also, remember to send your child with a couple of healthy, non-messy snacks on testing days (good examples: pretzels, raisins, grapes, crackers, trail mix; bad examples: Cheetos that will leave messy fingers, yogurt that is liquidy and a spill hazard, cookies that are just sugary and will cause an energy crash)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday, April 21

Things to Note...
Today students "ran wild" for the Nature Society's fundraiser.  Thank you for your support!

Monday is our Volunteer Appreciation Assembly and breakfast.  You're invited if you've chaperoned a field trip or volunteered in any way for our class this year.  We could not do it without you, and this is our small way of saying thanks!

RRISD has a bond issue on the ballot, starting with early voting on April 24.  Visit the bond website for more information.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Place value; STAAR review
Language Arts: Finishing personal narratives; STAAR review
Social Studies: Communities over time ("School Rocks" PBL)
Science: Animal and plant adaptations; Life Cycles

Mark Your Calendars...
4/24- Volunteer Appreciation Assembly (7:40 am)
5/5- Spirit Assembly (7:40 am)
5/8- STAAR Math test
5/9- STAAR Reading test
5/15-5/19- Book Fair
5/26- Field Day
6/1- Last day of school!

STAAR prep Tip of the Week: Pick ONE Thing to Work On
We took our final big STAAR practice tests this week in both reading and math.  Therefore, we have some new information about what areas students are still missing on these tests.  My advice to you is to look over these tests with your child and choose one thing they can focus on improving over the next two weeks in reading, and one thing in math (example: fractions, main idea/details, summarizing, inferring, area/perimeter, etc.).  If there are multiple topics they missed, just pick ONE.  It may be overwhelming and frustrating when they see that the didn't do as well as they hoped on these practices tests.  So, the best way to help them build confidence is to pick one thing to focus on.  They can realistically "fix" that thing before the test-- if they try to work on everything, it may not be as effective.  Help them find resources to work on their one thing on our class website-- and celebrate when they see improvement from their practice on a regular basis! 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Thursday, April 13

Things to Note...
The Planet Protectors did a GREAT job with their assembly performances today!  Thank you for coming and learning about our PBL, and for supporting your child as we prepared for today.  I am very proud of all of the students, and they should be proud of themselves!

Homework next week will be a reading and math STAAR practice packet, due on Friday, like we have been doing the past couple of weeks.  No spelling this week.  We will give out a new list next Monday (4/24).

On Friday, students will be participating in the Run Wild fun run during their P.E. time!    This fundraising event is being organized by our 3rd-5th grade Nature Society Club.  Look for a pledge collection envelope going home today (4/17) with your child that contains more information.

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Place value; STAAR review
Language Arts: Finishing personal narratives; STAAR review
Social Studies: Communities over time
Science: Animal and plant adaptations

Mark Your Calendars...
4/21- Unusual Reading Spot Photo Contest Ends
4/24- Volunteer Appreciation Assembly (7:40 am)
5/5- Spirit Assembly (7:40 am)
5/8- STAAR Math test
5/9- STAAR Reading test
5/15-5/19- Book Fair
5/26- Field Day
6/1- Last day of school!

STAAR prep Tip of the Week: Sleep is Key!
Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my most important tips with you on what you can do to help your child be as ready as possible on STAAR testing days.

My first tip on my list of the most important things you can help your child with to be prepared for test day is to help them get some good quality sleep!  This is not just the night before-- in the weeks leading up to the test, it is important to set a consistent bedtime and some routines to help them wind their brains down.  For example, reading together in bed before turning out the light is a great routine to start, if it's not something you already do.  Screen time right before bed is not a great way to wind down-- in fact, it can have the opposite effect.  Doing these small things to encourage an age-appropriate amount of quality sleep is simple and basic, but if their bodies and brains are not well rested, then they will automatically be at a disadvantage on test days!  

Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday, April 7

Things to Note...
This week, we had some very interesting guest speakers!  Mr. Konrad Bouffard, owner of Round Rock Honey, came to share his experience with starting a business with us.  Then, as a part of STEAM Day on Wednesday, we heard from a computer programmer, and an IT manager...Gigi's dad!  All of these professionals gave us some great connections to our study of entrepreneurs, the design process, and coding, as well as tips on how to be successful, regardless of the career path we choose.  Ask your child what they learned!

Report cards went home yesterday in Thursday folders.  Please return the ENVELOPE ONLY...the report card is yours to keep!  As always, please make sure that you're tracking your child's grades on Home Access throughout the quarter, and having ongoing conversations with them about their work.  Report cards should never contain surprises, thanks to this awesome resource.  If you have any questions, please let me know at any time!

Our Planet Protectors assembly is next Thursday, April 13!  The students have worked hard all year to learn about conserving resources, and have been working extra hard these past couple of weeks to put together an informational assembly for the school.  We will have two performances on Thursday-- one for the school at 7:45 am, and a second for third grade parents at 1:30 pm.  This way, you can have a chance to get a better seat at the performance than you otherwise might at the morning school assembly. :)  If they have a role in a skit, they might need to bring a costume or props on Thursday.  If they do not need to wear anything in particular for a skit, all other students will wear their Planet Protectors t-shirts!  Ask your child what part they have in the assembly (some are doing behind the scenes work, and others have a speaking or on-stage role!).

We have a very cool experience coming up, thanks to parent from Mrs. Lilleboe's class!  Students will be doing a propagation activity with fig trees!  This will take place on Monday, April 17 at 1:15 pm for our class.  I need several parent volunteers to be there for this lesson to assist students.  If you are able/willing to volunteer for this activity, please email me!  

Have a great weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication and division
Language Arts: Fiction and personal narratives
Social Studies: Communities over time
Science: Animal adaptations

Mark Your Calendars...
4/13- Planet Protectors Assembly (7:45 am); 2nd show for parents only (1:30 pm)
4/21- Unusual Reading Spot Photo Contest Ends
5/8- STAAR Math test
5/9- STAAR Reading test
5/15-5/19- Book Fair

Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31

Things to Note...
It is hard to believe that in TWO weeks, the 3rd graders will be putting on our Planet Protectors assembly!  The assembly for the school is on Thursday, April 13 at 7:45 am.  The students have been working hard in their Friday enrichment classes to prepare-- ask your child what they're working on for our assembly!

Please continue to remind your child that they need to keep their Homework Spiral in their backpack so that it goes to school daily for their planner, and comes home daily so they can study spelling/complete their weekly homework.

Report cards for third quarter will go home next Thursday, April 5.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication and division
Language Arts: Fiction and personal narratives
Social Studies: Communities over time
Science: Animal adaptations

Mark Your Calendars...
3/31- Family Movie Night
4/5- Early Release; PTA meeting (7:45 pm)
4/6- Report cards go home
4/13- Planet Protectors Assembly
4/21- Unusual Reading Spot Photo Contest Ends

Tip of the Week: Class Dojo
Have you checked your child's Class Dojo report this week?  I know that many of you use it on a regular basis, which is great!  I try to add photos as much as I can (I need to do this even more), but it's such a good way to see how your child's behavior has been throughout any given day/week.  I show them their total points on Fridays, and those who have earned 15, 30, 45, etc. points get to scan our Treasure Tree for a reward.  

Today, if you haven't lately, maybe have a conversation with your child about their Dojo points.  Have they been earning or losing points?  Have they earned a scan (or more than one scan!) on the tree yet?  If not, what can they do to earn more points... and make sure they're doing what they're supposed to do often enough to be caught and given a point? This is a great way to start a conversation about choices they're making and how they can be sure to show respect and kindness with their choices!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24

Things to Note...
Welcome back!  This week, we jumped right back in at full speed ahead!  Students began chapter book clubs.  Ask them what book they chose and why. They also picked an idea to write about for their next personal narrative.  I'm looking forward to some great stories about their lives!

Next Tuesday and Wednesday, 4th and 5th grade will be STAAR testing.  Therefore, our daily schedule will the thrown off a bit to make sure that those students get their full testing time.  As a building, we are supporting them by making sure that we are extra quiet in the hallways, and visitors to our building (especially coming upstairs) are limited.  Please help us with this by trying to avoid visits to school on these days next week.  I'm sure they will appreciate it!

If your child was invited to my after school STAAR tutoring groups, please remember that they begin next week!  Monday is reading, and Tuesday is math.  Please meet us out in front of the school at 3:30 to pick up your child on their tutoring day(s).

We have a spelling test on Friday, March 31.  The next homework packet will go home on Monday.  Thank you for reminding your child to keep their Homework Spiral in their backpack so that it's available at school to write in their planner page each day.  If you haven't seen this, ask your child to show you!

Have a great weekend.

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication and division
Language Arts: Fiction and personal narratives
Social Studies: Communities
Science: Finishing ecosystems; Animal adaptations

Mark Your Calendars...
3/31- Family Movie Night
4/5- Early Release; PTA meeting (7:45 pm)
4/6- Report cards go home
4/21- Unusual Reading Spot Photo Contest Ends

Tip of the Week: Studying Growth Mindset in Famous Inventors
This week, we began research on a famous inventor/entrepreneur of the students' choice.  We saw some Brain Pop videos on a few, and read about one together as a class.  Now, it's their turn to learn and teach others about someone who has made a famous contribution to our world.  The students identified hard work and perseverance as a common character trait among all of the inventors we looked at together, so the idea of "failing forward" came up.  I shared with them the acronym for FAIL as "First Attempt In Learning" and they really loved that idea.  Mistakes are not bad moments to be ashamed of, but rather learning experiences.  I found this list of books that reinforce this idea with even more famous innovators-- I recommend reading some of these titles with your child and discussing this idea further.  What a great life tool to instill in them-- imagine what they will do as they grow if they truly adopt this mindset!!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10

Things to Note...
The Economics Fair was a HUGE hit!  The students did a fantastic job working their business, and as a grade level we made over $2,700 to donate!!!!  Thank you for all of your support as your child went through this meaningful experience.

RRISD is hosting some informational meetings in the coming weeks about the 2017 Bond Election.  Please consider attending to learn more about this issue.  Here is the information about these meetings.

The end of the 3rd quarter is the week after break, so please encourage your child to complete any missing or late work by Wednesday, March 22.  Check Home Access for "M"s or any assignments that are below a 70% that your child can ask to retake.  I do my best to encourage them to redo assignments in class, but sometimes we run out of time and it needs to be done at home.  If you have any questions about a grade or assignment, please ask me anytime!

Happy Spring Break!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Measurement (capacity, time, perimeter)
Language Arts: Fiction and personal narratives
Social Studies: Communities
Science: Ecosystems

Mark Your Calendars...
3/13-3/17: Spring Break!
3/31- Family Movie Night
4/5- Early Release; PTA meeting (7:45 pm)
4/21- Unusual Reading Spot Photo Contest Ends

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday, March 3

Things to Note...
If you haven't already sent in your Spring Picture order and intend to, please do so on Monday!

The Third Grade Economics Fair is on Thursday 3/9!  Please read this informational letter for details.  Students should now be FINISHING up their products at home, in addition to their weekly homework assignment.  Please remember that total material costs may not exceed $15, and they will need to have at least 35 of their item to sell at the fair on Thursday.  We are making advertisements and completing their Project Packets in class.

There is no homework next week so that students can concentrate on their Economics Fair products.  There will be a spelling test on Friday, though.

RRISD is hosting some informational meetings in the coming weeks about the 2017 Bond Election.  Please consider attending to learn more about this issue.  Here is the information about these meetings.

For our eSlot enrichment classes on Friday, we have started working on different aspects of our 3rd Grade PBL assembly!  This will be a Friday morning, school-wide assembly where the 3rd graders will teach the school what we have learned in our PBL about conservation of natural resources.  We are in need of duct tape (any color/design), and any recyclable containers (ex: plastic yogurt containers, water/soda bottles, cardboard boxes, etc.; no glass, and please clean containers out well!).  Thank you in advance!

Have a great weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Measurement (capacity, time, perimeter)
Language Arts: Fiction
Social Studies: Economics (Economics Fair Thursday-- products due!)
Science: Ecosystems

Mark Your Calendars...
3/9: Economics Fair (8:15-10:00 in cafeteria-- parents welcome!)
3/13-3/17: Spring Break!
3/31- 3rd Grade PBL Assembly (7:45 am); Family Movie Night

Tip of the Week: Mindfulness
Something that I just started reading about is teaching mindfulness.  I have not presented this idea to students yet, but I plan to!  This is an interesting article that describes some of the reasoning and procedures for teaching mindfulness to children.  Often, I say, "Use self-control!" to the class in various situations, but forget that maybe they aren't sure HOW to control their fast-moving minds, and therefore their bodies.  This is a skill that takes practice!  In the coming weeks, I want to talk about the idea of mindfulness with the class, and start some daily exercises to practice self-calming and control.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Friday, February 24

Things to Note...
Our field trip to Westcave Preserve was so much fun!  Thank you to Susan Curp and Dave Edrich for chaperoning.  It was a truly beautiful day, and we learned a lot!

A new spelling list is going home tomorrow (test on Friday 3/10), and there will be homework this week.

Spring Picture orders are due on Friday, March 3.

The Third Grade Economics Fair is just around the corner!  Please read this informational letter for details.  Students should now be working on making their products at home, in addition to their weekly homework assignment.  Please remember that total material costs may not exceed $15, and they will need to have at least 35 of their item to sell at the fair on March 9.

Monday is our STAAR ready math practice test!  Please send your child to school with a snack, water bottle, gum (if they think it will help them focus), and a couple of #2 pencils.  Just like with the reading, this is going to be a good practice for how the STAAR math test will look and feel like!

Have a great weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication/division (test Tuesday); Measurement (Perimeter, time)
Language Arts: Fiction
Social Studies: Economics
Science: Ecosystems

Mark Your Calendars...
2/27: STAAR Ready Math (PRACTICE test)
3/9: Economics Fair (8:15-10:00 in cafeteria-- parents welcome!)
3/13-3/17: Spring Break!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday, February 17

Things to Note...
Our field trip to Westcave Preserve is on Friday the 24th!  Here are a couple of things to note for that day:

  • We have all of the chaperones that we can take.  Unfortunately, the location has told us that we must limit the number of people we bring, so we cannot have any more people join us.  Unless you have received an email confirmation from me that you will be joining us on the trip, please do not come.  We wish we could have everyone join us there, but we cannot on this particular trip.  Thank you for understanding!
  • Students will need to bring a sack lunch that day, unless they have turned in the lunch order form stating that they will buy a sack lunch from the cafeteria.
  • We will be walking outside all day-- please have your child wear sneakers, layers (it has been cooler in the mornings but heats up by afternoon lately), hat/sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.  They may also want to bring a water bottle that they can keep track of and carry with them on the trail.  
  • Students need to wear their Planet Protectors t-shirt!
If you have any questions about this field trip, please let me know. 

The Third Grade Economics Fair is just around the corner!  Please read this informational letter for details.  Students should now be working on making their products at home, in addition to their weekly homework assignment.  Please remember that total material costs may not exceed $15, and they will need to have at least 35 of their item to sell at the fair on March 9.

Students did a great job on the reading STAAR ready practice test!  Students had a chance to correct their own test and see which questions they missed.  They filled out a reflection form that shows the standards covered in each question.  This is going home today along with a stapled slip of paper that says their official score on the test.  They will take the math STAAR ready test on Monday the 27th.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this information when you have a chance to look it over.

Have a great weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication/division
Language Arts: Informational (visual literacy) 
Social Studies: Economics
Science: PBL; Weather/Water Cycle

Mark Your Calendars...
2/20: No school for students (Presidents' Day; teacher work day)
2/22: Six Flags Reading Logs due
2/24: Field Trip to Westcave Preserve (Raney & Lilleboe; other classes go on other dates)
2/27: STAAR Ready Math (PRACTICE test)
3/9: Economics Fair (8:15-10:00 in cafeteria-- parents welcome!)
3/13-3/17: Spring Break!

Tip of the Week: VIRTUAL Makerspace!
Piggy backing off of my Tip of the Week last Friday...I have started to set up a virtual makerspace on this website!  If you click on the "Makerspace" tab, you will find a list of resources that your child can use to be a maker from home.  This class is particularly interested in creating and inventing, in part due to our PBL about reusing materials.  So, this is a perfect thing to do with them on the weekends.  Find a project from one of the virtual makerspace links to work on together using materials you find around your house.  If you make something cool, send me a photo! :)  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Friday, February 10

Things to Note...
Thank you for your support and participation in our school fundraiser!

The Third Grade Economics Fair is less than a month away!  Please read this informational letter for details.  Students should be working on making their products at home, in addition to their weekly homework assignment.  Please remember that total material costs may not exceed $15, and they will need to have at least 35 of their item to sell at the fair on March 9.

On Monday, third graders will take the STAAR ready reading test.  This is a PRACTICE test that will give students experience with how the actual STAAR will look and feel.  It will also give me an idea of what skills we need to practice more as a class, and which students might need some individualized attention before the actual test in May.  I will share results with you when I get them back.  For this practice test, here are some tips:

  • Students may bring a piece of gum (mint has been known to wake up your brain, and the chewing can help some students concentrate-- this is optional!)
  • Please make sure that students have a healthy snack and water bottle on Monday.  
  • We want to try and make Monday feel as much like the actual test day as possible in order to take away some of the unknown for the actual test in May.  Therefore, students will do best if they have a good nights' sleep and a healthy breakfast.  It is a long test and will take some stamina!
  • This is NOT something students should worry's just practice!  They should take it seriously, but it should not be a source of anxiety or concern at all. :)

Our Valentine's party is on Tuesday the 14th at 1:30 pm.  Students will need to bring their valentines and box on that day.  Please remember to include a valentine for every member of our class.  Here is the flyer describing the boxes, in case it has been misplaced.  If you need another class list, please email me.

Have a great weekend!

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication/division
Language Arts: Informational (visual literacy) 
Social Studies: Economics
Science: PBL; Weather/Water Cycle

Mark Your Calendars...
2/13: STAAR Ready Language Arts (PRACTICE test)
2/14: Valentine's Party (valentines for every student and boxes to collect your child's valentines due)
2/22: Six Flags Reading Logs due
2/24: Field Trip to Westcave Preserve (Raney & Lilleboe; other classes go on other dates)
2/27: STAAR Ready Math (PRACTICE test)
3/9: Economics Fair (8:15-10:00 in cafeteria-- parents welcome!)

Tip of the Week: Maker Space
Since our PBL has involved reusing materials to conserve resources, I thought that this was a great time to create a maker space in our classroom!  So, there is a corner of our room fully dedicated to creating.  There are supplies and a variety of materials there...but we can always use more!  Please check out our class wish list to see if you have any materials around your house that you are looking to donate to a worthy cause.  Here is a great blog about maker spaces, if you are unfamiliar with this idea!  As a class, we are working to define our space's purpose and set expectations for its use.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, February 3

Things to Note...
We welcomed a new student to our classroom family this week!  We also said "see you later" to another student as she heads out on a great family adventure to New Zealand-- we wish them all the best!  Lots of excitement in our class this week. :)

The Third Grade Economics Fair is about a month away!  Please read this informational letter about the details, if you did not already when I emailed it out earlier this week.  The students' ideas with a parent signature are due on Monday.  On Monday morning, I will ask students to show me their Homework Spiral where they will need to write "My idea for the Economics Fair is to make ____."  I will also check for a parent signature, which will show me that you have discussed the idea, materials, etc. with your child and approve of it!

On Thursday, I sent home a blue half sheet for field trip lunch orders.  Please fill this out and return it to school by Friday, 2/10, if you haven't already.  This will give me a count of how many students will need to order a sack lunch from the cafeteria on our field trip day.

Our class has our picture day on Tuesday, February 7.  Come to school ready to smile big! :)

Curriculum Preview...
Math: Multiplication/division
Language Arts: Informational (visual literacy) 
Social Studies: Economics
Science: PBL; Weather/Water Cycle

Mark Your Calendars...
2/7: Picture Day for our class 
2/13: STAAR Ready Language Arts (PRACTICE test)
2/14: Valentine's Party (valentines for every student and boxes to collect your child's valentines due)
2/22: Six Flags Reading Logs due
2/24: Field Trip to Westcave Preserve (Raney & Lilleboe; other classes go on other dates)
2/27: STAAR Ready Math (PRACTICE test)
3/9: Economics Fair (8:15-10:00 in cafeteria-- parents welcome!)

Tip of the Week: STAAR Testing...What Should I Be Doing to Help My Child?
Third grade is the first year that students take the much talked about STAAR test...and for some of you this is the first time your family has EVER had a STAAR testing student!  Here are some of my top tips to (hopefully) answer your questions and ease your minds about the upcoming test and how you can best prepare your child:

  • First and foremost, keep in mind that this is just ONE TEST, one day.  It does not equal your child's intelligence, worth, ability to pass on to 4th grade, etc.  It's important to take it seriously, but also to keep a healthy perspective.
  • Read with your child daily!  Ask them questions about what they read to help them think about the text, and improve comprehension.
  • Have your child practice math facts regularly-- this will help them make simple computations in their head more quickly and easily on long tests like STAAR.  If those facts are second nature to them, or they can mentally figure them out quickly, their time will be more efficiently spent working through the bigger problem solving situations on the test.
  • Help your child feel confident on the test.  If they express concerns, reassure them of their strengths to build up their confidence!  EVERY ONE OF THEM is capable of doing well on the test, and they need to believe that themselves, or it may not happen, no matter how much we practice academic skills.